N° 156
August 2018
2030 Agenda press conference. Picture: Martin Bichsel
swisspeace Anna Leissing Anna.Leissing@swisspeace.ch Head of KOFF and member of the 2030 Agenda platform’s management board

Civil Society Report on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

On June 20, the Federal Council published its voluntary national report on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in and by Switzerland. The Swiss Platform Agenda 2030, in which KOFF is a member, published its own report on 3 July with the title « How sustainable is Switzerland? Implementing the 2030 Agenda from a civil society perspective ». In the Report, Civil society highlights the challenges ahead for Switzerland and completes the country report, which missed out on many important points. The platform shows in 11 recommendations, which measures need to be taken, to get Switzerland on track for sustainable development. Chapter 11 (p. 58) of the report is dedicated to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”. It emphasizes the interaction of Peace and Justice with the other SDGs. Particularly the reciprocal influence with poverty, education, gender equality, economic growth, social inequality, sustainable cities and partnerships between countries are mentioned.

swisspeace Anna Leissing Anna.Leissing@swisspeace.ch Head of KOFF and member of the 2030 Agenda platform’s management board



Business, Conflict & Peacebuilding Course

What is needed for businesses to operate responsibly in volatile areas? The course explores this question from various angles. It discusses state of the art international standards on business and human rights and ways for companies to implement them. It sheds light on the roles and strategies of companies, governments, international organizations and civil society in promoting responsible business practices.

By joining this course, you will get a global understanding of the various impacts companies may have in conflict-affected areas and fragile regions. Furthermore, you become familiar with relevant regulations, and initiatives at national and international levels in the area of business & human rights; learn about best practices and improve your ability to practically implement and promote responsible business. The course will also enable you to understand better the perspectives of other stakeholder groups and to enlarge your network of international practitioners and experts.

The course takes place from November 23-24, 2018 in Basel. It is designed for practitioners from business, civil society and government involved in promoting responsible business in volatile areas. It may be particularly interesting for participants attending the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva, taking place from 26-28 November, just after the course.