N° 174
February 2022

With easing COVID restrictions, the Center for Art and Peacebuilding, that was established in 2020 as a joint platform of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Swiss foundation artasfoundation, is now beginning its engagement abroad with projects in Lebanon and in Armenia.

The CAP is tasked with researching the potential of artistic contributions to transform violent conflicts, testing it on a practical level in projects and discussing it with experts and the general public. The direct and even collaboration between art students/artists from Switzerland and colleagues from regions directly affected by conflict is a central component in this.

On 24 February at 17.00 h, current activities of the CAP will be presented in an event at the ZHdK, Toni Areal, Pfingstweidstr. 96, 8005 Zurich.