N° 153
December 2017
14 and 15 January 2018
Basel, Switzerland

Basel Peace Forum is rethinking peace

Despite many international efforts, setbacks have called earlier successes of peacebuilding into question. The Basel Peace Forum wants to reflect on previous endeavors and inspire new, unconventional ideas.

Until 28 February 2018
Basel, Switzerland

Register for the swisspeace training on «Preventing Violent Conflicts »

Whilst the wars in Syria, South Sudan or Ukraine differ with respect to the actors, driving factors and dynamics, they all raise the question of how violence and its escalation could have been prevented. This course provides insights into and explores practical approaches of the concept of conflict prevention and the prevention of violent extremism and mass atrocities. It will take place on May 2-4, 2018.

Until 31 January 2018
Basel, Switzerland

Register for the swisspeace Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in «Religion & Konflikt»

Is religion a cause of conflict or peace? In this new CAS on religion and conflict, participants will reflect on the relationship between state and religion, the conflict dimensions of religion, the potential of religion to resolve conflicts and build peace, as well as on methods and tools to tackle conflicts with religious dimensions. The CAS certificate program starts in April and finishes in October 2018 and consists of 17 course days (from Thursday to Saturday) which will be held in German.

Until 31 January 2018
Basel, Switzerland

Register for the swisspeace training on «Gender in Conflict & Peacebuilding»

The Gender in Conflict & Peacebuilding training will take place on April 13-14, 2018. It focuses on gender equality in peacebuilding and applies a gender perspective on conflicts and conflict transformation. This course can be attended either as a single course or as part of swisspeace’s Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Civilian Peacebuilding Essentials 2017/2018 Program.

New publication

Study-book «Global Peace and Security: International Crisis and Conflict Management – with 90 key lessons»

Successful Peace- and State-building are one of the most discussed and challenging subjects: How can the international society react on the challenge of conflict and fragility? What is the role of the EU? How can actors work together by a «Comprehensive Approach»? Are there signs of a solution for more resilience and prevention within the UN?