N° 153
December 2017
«No to violence» teacher in a classroom in Zaatari refugee camp. Picture: Dagmar Nolden/Berghof Foundation

Conflict-sensitive approaches are also relevant in the context of flight and migration. They allow for visualization and critical examination of the effects of aid. Since 2015, the Berghof Foundation’s Peace Education & Global Learning program has therefore been testing and developing various peace-education curricula for working with refugees and for people involved in refugee work in Germany and abroad.

The program works with dialog-oriented and interactive methods, which create space for mutual learning about non-violence, successful handling of conflicts, and sensitivity with regard to their origin. They allow people to learn from and about one another, exchange experiences, alter perspectives, reflect on their own actions, and discuss ways of cooperating to ensure a peaceful coexistence. What is particularly interesting about this space is the composition of participants, which is sometimes unique. In Jordan, for example, Syrian and Jordanian employees from international organizations have come together to take part in a qualification course in the Azraq and Zaatari refugee camps. International social-work students share experiences with their Syrian colleagues in Jordanian refugee camps. In Germany, refugees hold discussions with volunteers and permanent members of staff during training sessions.

A combination of peace-education, theater-education, and resilience-strengthening approaches has proved successful in the work with these target groups.

With the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Berghof Foundation plans to continue its work on non-violent education and conflict-sensitive refugee work in Jordan in 2018. In Germany and its neighboring countries, people involved in the area of flight and migration can request training or find inspiration in the numerous publications, such as the peace-education poster series «Conflict-sensitive refugee work».