N° 146
July 2016

Tenth Edition of the Global Peace Index

The Institute of Economics and Peace has recently published the tenth edition of its Global Peace Index, which ranks 163 independent states and territories according to their level of peacefulness. This edition shows that the level of peacefulness worldwide continues to deteriorate, while the gap between the most peaceful countries and those most prone to violence continues to widen. Furthermore, according to the research, the impact of terrorism has risen sharply, with victims of terrorism increasing by 80% last year and only 69 countries having had no terrorist incidents in 2015. Amongst the countries with the lowest ranking were Syria, South Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.

Columbia puts its war records online

Victims’ accounts, tribunal judgments, personal journals, photographs: these are some of over 160,000 documents relating to the violence that has ravaged Columbia for more than 50 years, which have recently been put online and made available through open access by the National Centre for Historical Memory. With an emphasis on information from civil society and victims’ organizations, this data bank provides an accurate, detailed and harsh depiction of violence in Columbia.

World Humanitarian Summit

At the World Humanitarian Summit, which took place in Istanbul on 23-24 May 2016, some twenty organizations (including International Alert, Saferworld, and Conciliation Resources) called upon the international community to work together beyond the silos that currently exist between the peacebuilding, humanitarian aid, and development fields to address complex humanitarian situations. In a joint document entitled “The Peace Promise”, they highlight five fundamental commitments and commit themselves to promoting the synergies and complementarities required to reduce human suffering.