N° 148
November 2016
Using a holistic approach to personal transformation is crucial to preventing violent extremism. IAHV
International Association for Human Values Nina Noorali nina.noorali@iahv.org Director

The challenge to prevent and counter violent extremism and reintegrate ex-combatants in society is enhanced by the fact that these individuals exhibit a diversity of social backgrounds, undergo different processes of radicalization and are influenced by various combinations of motivations. Ideology, economic and social conditions, cultural diversity and dissolution, loss of identity, need to belong and life purpose are all such examples.

The psychosocial factors underlying such destructive life choices —including anger, frustration, depression, pain, greed and intolerance—are either internalized, leading to addictions, depression and suicidal tendencies, or externalized, leading to aggression, violence and wars. Failure to address these powerful driving forces erodes the effectiveness of peacebuilding efforts.

A new paradigm shift is required to understand and deal with violent extremism, which is fundamentally human. No peace can become sustainable as long as it is not internalized and socially supported by the people. The focus thus needs to be on strengthening a fertile psychosocial foundation for sustainable peace. Using a holistic approach to personal transformation to address the physical up to deeply existential layers, transcending the strictly cognitive layer, is vital in this process.

Recognizing that both external environmental and internal psychological factors are crucial in the prevention and transformation of violence and extremism, the International Association for Human Values addresses different types of change in its peacebuilding programs, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and interpersonal outcomes. The aim is to transform the attitudes and behaviors of youth and young adults from at-risk to high performing, responsible, confident and empowered citizens.

International Association for Human Values Nina Noorali nina.noorali@iahv.org Director